FacebookRan neuner | Coinpedia User Profile
ran neuner

ran neuner


User Info

Ran Neuner is the co-founder of  Onchain Capital, a blockchain advising firm and investment fund, Ran is also the speaker on entrepreneurship at numerous blockchain and cryptocurrency conferences and events. Ran earned his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of the Witwatersrand. Later, he received his Master's degree from Singularity Group and studied International Business at Harvard Business School. Neuner was engaged in crypto media in 2020, focusing on new content models. 

Previously Ran Neuner was the founder and CEO of The Creative Counsel Group. The company that he founded grew to become the largest sales and marketing agency in Africa. He sold this business to the Publicis Groupe in 2015 for what was recorded as the biggest business transaction in Africa.


Social Media


  • Entrepreneur
  • Chief Executive Officer