FacebookCornell Blockchain | Coinpedia Company Listing And Funding
Cornell Blockchain

Cornell Blockchain

Cornell Blockchain is an Information Technology company that aims to bridge the technological and business gaps.


Company Info

Cornell Blockchain is an Information Technology and Service company that aims to bridge the technological and business gaps through blockchain application, certification, and education. The organization offers educational opportunities and a network of resources. Without the support of Cornell's IC3 (Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts) research group, qualified advisors, and collaborations with significant blockchain organizations around the world, Cornell's Blockchain goal would not be possible. The Cornell Blockchain Club aims to build a more fair, decentralized world that can take advantage of blockchain technology. The organization thinks the first step in accomplishing this is to increase public understanding and education about the technology in a respectful, non-threatening, and unstigmatized manner.

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  • Event Organiser
  • Information Technology