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aditya singh

aditya singh

  • Content Creator / Influencer
  • Crypto and Blockchain Expert
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Aditya Singh, is a professional YouTuber, a cryptocurrency specialist, and co-founder of CryptoIndia.  It is one of the top independent digital media outlets in India that provides news about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. He launched his YouTube channel in 2017 to educate people about blockchain technology, offer in-depth analysis, and assist the nation in adopting the idea of crypto and blockchain. He has been named the Asia region's "Binance Influencer of the Year 2020."

He provides rich information about tech analysis, benefitted ideas for intraday crypto traders, tech reviews unboxing, and some meme content. Through Crypto India, he is making constant deliberate to make people more invested in the Crypto Space. Since the banks and the country are opposing the appearance of cryptocurrency for no valid reason, it is significant to make people understand why crypto is the future. Besides Crypto India, Aditya with his crew has a self-created website where they post daily updates and news of the crypto ecosystem including current price fluctuations of the tokens, fundamental analysis, and much more. 


Aditya was also invited by NDTV for an interview with other panelists such as Nishchal Shetty to provide an insight into the crypto situation in India. There he explained why the crypto investors in India increased to beyond 600% within a year. He showcased that people found the crypto industry as a secondary source of income during the pandemic when many people lost their jobs and their primary income.