An award-winning and innovative IT enterprise supported by creative mobile application developers, professional software developers, passionate designers, and technical professionals. Zrix is a leading IT service provider and blockchain development service company. The company’s mission is to bring an economic revolution to the world with cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cyber security, and the Internet of Things. The firm was established by Apurv Bordia in 2006 and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, with a strong presence in the UK, Asia, UAE, and Singapore.
Zrix provides the most secure, transparent, and reliable blockchain services for business purposes, including cryptocurrency development, P2P lending platform, Blockchain IOT development, Blockchain Wallet development, Blockchain AI development, HyperLedger development, and POC blockchain development. The company's services include blockchain technology, digital marketing services, mobile app development, automation software development, UI and front-end development, technology awareness programs, IT infrastructure, and management services. While the blockchain solutions are free of hacking activities and data alterations.
Zrix has expertization in smart contract development, decentralized applications, blockchain supply chain development, solidity development, P2P exchange development, and cryptocurrency wallet development. The company delivers the best custom blockchain service solutions in the USA by working with top-notch blockchain development companies such as Eos, Ethereum, Tezos, HyperLedger, Stellar, and Hedera Hashgraph. There are around 11-50 employees operating at the firm, while it is honored with several awards like Top Rated Software Development Companies, Top Mobile App Developers and Leading App Development Companies in USA, Custom & Automation Web Solution Experts, and many more.
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Headquarters | United States |
Number of Employees working in the company | -- |
Last updated annual revenue of the company | -- |