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nft day paris

nft day paris

First class european event around NFTs, Metaverse, Play-to-earn games & more

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The Paris NFT Day is one of the most popular events, allowing attendees to fully immerse themselves in the Web environment. From Paris to Metaverse, there is always the Fintech Art de Vie, where people gather to meet the industry's top players and fans. preparing and constructing the next industrial revolution as a group. At the Paris NFT Day, anyone can discuss their concept, aspirations, offerings, and desires.   The inaugural edition of the day took place in 2022 at Paris Brongniart, the old French stock market, and welcomed a total of 30.000 guests, 125 speakers, and 350 various media outlets. The speakers for the 2022 edition were Austin Federa, Gregory Boutte, and Giulia Archetti. There were several partnerships, fundraisers, and limitless new creations. In the year 2023, another event will be held in Paris, bringing together community leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, developers, and the whole NFT ecosystem.
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