BscScan (Binance Smart Chain Explorer) is a blockchain explorer built for users to view the BSC activity. It provides detailed real-time insights about transactions, wallet addresses, smart contracts, and other essential data. BscScan is one of the widely used explorers for the BNB chain, it offers exploration and analytical tools for the smart chain allowing users to easily view the information.
The transaction details that users can view include timestamps, amounts, gas fees, and pending status of transactions. It also includes an NFT section where users can explore and discover NFTs. All these features of BscScan are required resources for users looking to locate and analyze BNB Smart Chain effectively.BscScan was launched in the year 2020. It was built by a well-experienced team who also developed Etherscan.
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Headquarters | United States |
Number of Employees working in the company | -- |
Last updated annual revenue of the company | -- |